Daily Delight

We abide is such a fast paced, high pressured, high demand, high expectation culture today that sometimes we may feel like we’re the little rat running crazily on the wheel, but getting nowhere. Trying to discover that balance between work and life, relationships and relaxation, advancement of career/education and family/leisure can be exhausting and overwhelming. I don’t know about you, but I cant believe we’re half way through this year already…yet I say that every single year! I know it’s cliche, but time definitely seems to be going faster- slipping through our fingers like sand, the tighter we try to grasp it.We don’t need to remove all the pressures and expectations of life, we just need to learn how to manage them and how to breathe between the ebb and flow to create our own sanctuary of peace amongst the chaos. The key isn’t necessarily changing our external world, but our internal one.I make it a priority to sit quietly in the presence of God each day. Preferably early in the morning, as this fills me up for the day ahead. When we can sit with Jesus, He can take our burdens and heavy yolks and transfer His peace and quiet contentment into our souls and spirits. When we walk in intimacy with Him, we take Him with us, in us, throughout our day, and no matter what circumstances arise, what pressures or expectations are put on us, or even what natural, everyday needs are to be met, we can draw from the well within - the River of Life that flows from His throne room and into our hearts and souls.

I am humbled and quieted in your presence. Like a contented child who rests on its mother’s lap, I’m your resting child and my soul is content in you. O people of God, your time has come to quietly trust, waiting upon the Lord now and forever.” -Psalm 131:2-3 (TPT)

Is your soul content? Despite what is going on in life around you, can you say ’It is well with my soul’? Find rest in His presence. Discover childlike peace as you bask in the intimacy of a Father who has all things in His faithful hands.


About the Author

Natalie Fuller

Natalie is a mother of three (with a fourth on the way!) from Sydney, Australia who is passionate about encouraging, empowering and equipping women to discover and fulflil their God-given purpose and destiny.
With a background in counseling and psychology, as well as church planting and pastoring alongside her husband of 14 years, Nat is a passionate writer, speaker and preacher who loves to use her real life struggles, experiences and vulnerabilities to inspire and strengthen women in areas such as identity and security, healing and wholeness, freedom and intimacy with Jesus.
Nat loves anything to do with food! Cooking, wining and dining, traveling, but mostly opening her home and hosting dinner parties, casual gatherings and hosting events both big and small.
You can find her on Instagram here and her website here.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight