Daily Delight
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing." -John 15:5 (NIV)
Have you ever been going and doing “for the Kingdom” yet when you take a breath, you find yourself far from God? How could that happen when you set out to do beautiful, redemptive things?
I find myself in a state of worry this week. Worry about saying the perfect, comforting thing to my friends, teaching my kids all the Bible stories, testing the words from the latest marriage book, planning an exciting Women’s Retreat for next year… the worry never ends. When I finally stopped and recognized my distress, I found God waiting for me. It was as if He were sitting on the couch, waiting for me to get tired of pacing, tired of finding “one more thing” to do before coming to sit with Him. And when I finally did, He reminded me that it all comes back to Him: being with Him, talking to Him, listening to Him-- it's all about Him. Everything else comes from the outflow of those encounters with God. While my goals are admirable and the work seems Biblical, are they checks on my to-do list or are they the natural responses from having met with Jesus?
When I sat with Jesus, I was overwhelmed by how much He loved me and all He had to impart in those quiet moments. I was breathing in peace and basking in it. Suddenly, I knew the words, the timing, the inspiration for all the to-dos…it would all come! No amount of panic, sticky notes or forced conversations would breathe life into my concerns. And that’s what they need: LIFE. They need Jesus: His peace, His patience, His love. And the only way to find those things is by abiding in Him. No substitutes. No meritable distractions. Him.
I would encourage you this weekend to pause, spend time with Your Creator, remember you are but the created and then begin afresh. Let the life you receive flow freely and genuinely, spilling onto every last commitment, intention, and dream.
About the Author
Jessica Hendrick
Jessica lives in Chesapeake, VA with her husband, Bryan, and their two young children, Jack & Jane. Never in a million years would she have thought after getting her Masters in Counseling and studying Biofeedback that she would forego job applications and become a stay-at-home mom, but God revealed the true desire of her heart that year.
She happily serves as the Women’s Ministry Director at her local church and relishes any opportunity God gives her to encourage women in their spiritual journey.
Whenever she isn’t pouring over homeschool curriculums or attending a UVA football game, you can find her taste-testing at the nearby Krispy Kreme.