Daily Delight

It is no secret to anyone who knows me that socializing is one of my greatest joys, and the word stranger isn’t found in my vocabulary. I welcome meeting new people and never shy away from conversation.As long as I can remember, I have always had a longing in my heart to know and be known by others. I suppose it’s normal considering at creation of mankind, God even said himself that it is not good for man to be alone. Community, especially among Christian believers, is vital!However, I can attest to learning the hard way of poorly balancing a desire for genuine relationships while finding utmost satisfaction in the Lord. During one of the richest seasons of friendship I’ve known, I found myself misplacing time and intimacy that rightfully belonged in fellowship with the Lord. Slowly but surely my confidence, security and assurance filled hands of friends never meant to carry such weight. And while they in no means demanded such responsibility, I found myself willingly surrendering misplaced affection and adornment.The result was the same as any human experience generally plays out when placing God-sized expectations on human limitations: disappointment and discouragement. I realized in the experience that Godly friendships are meant to enhance a relationship with the Lord, not interfere with it. A deeper look into my own sinfulness pointed to a lack of grounding myself in fellowship with the Lord so I could then abundantly flourish in friendship. This truth spoke volumes to me.

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” -Ephesians 3:17-18 (NIV)

Conviction washed all over me as I realized that I can experience great depths of God’s love in honoring relationships when ordered correctly. Rooting and establishing myself in God’s love first grants me the foundation to then experience the limitless nature of His love in the company of other believers!

About the Author

Bryanna Irvin

Bryanna is an infectiously extroverted 26-year-old born and raised Arkansas gal with a knack for conversation and heart chats. She is married to her college sweetheart, Blake, but falling more in love each day with her newest heartthrob: baby boy Emmett who is due this October. Her passion is for cultivating relationships new and old with hopes of sharing any inkling of the joy, peace and purpose she herself has found through her relationship with Jesus Christ. Though she’d gladly hop on the first flight to Haiti and never look back, God has so assuredly called her to use her gifts and passions to minister to young and college aged women through her position as a retail store manager.
When she isn’t working or maneuvering her social calendar, Bryanna can undoubtedly be found cuddled up in her Jonesboro home with her five, yes five, fur babies, a pepperoni pizza and “Friends” reruns on loop!

Daily Delight


Daily Delight