Daily Delight

This summer marks seven years from the beginning of a love story only God himself could have written for me. When I look back on the woman I was then, I can’t help but praise God for using the love relationship between my now husband and I to give me greater insight to my love relationship with the Lord.Growing up in a broken home brought about by infidelity, I developed an unhealthy and bleak outlook on relationships romantic and otherwise. In my mind every relationship had an expiration date, and I was only a ticking time bomb away from heartache. I read into every action or word as an indicator that it was time to build my wall, lock my heart up tight and push away whatever person threatened any emotion I wasn’t prepared to feel. I considered myself a victim, convinced I was lovingly lending myself only to be let down in return. That is, until God graciously granted me eyes to see my very skewed perspective of love in light of his graciousness.I fell in love with a man who showed me day in and out that the legalism of my love was holding me captive and limiting my experience of Christ’s freedom. Paralyzed in paranoia of all the ways I could be hurt, I missed the beautiful ways I was being loved. I began to see this not just in that relationship but in my relationship with the Lord how my fears of disappointment were blinding me to the riches of His goodness. It was during that time God gave me this scripture to unveil my wounded perspective on love revealing the sinful fear that it was:

There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” -1 John 4:18 (NIV)

I had not been made perfect in His love because I was too preoccupied being paralyzed by my fear. If you find yourself in the defensive state I was, desperate for love but fearful in the pursuit, turn to your Father and see that His love warrants freedom for your soul, not fear! Be made perfect in His love!

{photo: @victorialemosphotography

About the Author

Bryanna Irvin

Bryanna is an infectiously extroverted 26-year-old born and raised Arkansas gal with a knack for conversation and heart chats. She is married to her college sweetheart, Blake, but falling more in love each day with her newest heartthrob: baby boy Emmett who is due this October. Her passion is for cultivating relationships new and old with hopes of sharing any inkling of the joy, peace and purpose she herself has found through her relationship with Jesus Christ. Though she’d gladly hop on the first flight to Haiti and never look back, God has so assuredly called her to use her gifts and passions to minister to young and college aged women through her position as a retail store manager.
When she isn’t working or maneuvering her social calendar, Bryanna can undoubtedly be found cuddled up in her Jonesboro home with her five, yes five, fur babies, a pepperoni pizza and “Friends” reruns on loop!

Daily Delight


Daily Delight