Daily Delight

When we’re standing in faith patiently awaiting a desired breakthrough, or believing for a miracle in our situation, it’s so important we are standing firm and strong. The enemy loves to come along and shake our foundations of faith by planting seeds of doubt in our minds, and once we partner with doubt it’s easy to quickly spiral down into disbelief, and finally, letting go of the promises we were so boldly believing for. His tactics haven’t changed much since the Garden of Eden. The same way he cunningly instigated doubt in Eve’s mind of the promises, goodness and intentions of God are the same deceiving tools he uses against us today. “Did God really say that?” “Does he really have good things planned for me?”⠀⠀The Word tells us that God is pleased and moved by our faith (Heb 11:6). It also tells us not to be double-minded…easily swayed to and fro between passionate belief and faithless doubt (James 1:6). When we are contending in faith it’s crucial to remain focused on His promises and His Word, despite what our circumstances may be saying and despite what all evidence in the natural might look like. We must hold tight to the vision and hope that God has given us so that we can be flint faced towards our goal, prayers and desires of that final breakthrough and promise fulfilled, no matter how impossible the situation may be.⠀So how do we get rid of these seeds of doubt planted in our hearts and minds by the enemy? James gives us the answer: “So then, surrender to God. Stand up to the devil and resist him and he will turn and run away from you.” (James 4:7) The enemy only has power over us when we give ear to his voice. He only has the extent of authority that we give him. We must take back anything we may have unintentionally given away, because all power and authority in heaven and earth is from Christ Himself, who has bestowed it into our hands.⠀⠀Stand firm. Stand strong. Stand open and surrendered to God as you faithfully, prayerfully and boldly believe for your miracle.Put on all your armor daily and the cowardly enemy will flee! 

About the Author

Natalie Fuller

Natalie is a mother of three (with a fourth on the way!) from Sydney, Australia who is passionate about encouraging, empowering and equipping women to discover and fulflil their God-given purpose and destiny.
With a background in counseling and psychology, as well as church planting and pastoring alongside her husband of 14 years, Nat is a passionate writer, speaker and preacher who loves to use her real life struggles, experiences and vulnerabilities to inspire and strengthen women in areas such as identity and security, healing and wholeness, freedom and intimacy with Jesus.
Nat loves anything to do with food! Cooking, wining and dining, traveling, but mostly opening her home and hosting dinner parties, casual gatherings and hosting events both big and small.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight