Daily Delight

Now there were four men who were lepers at the entrance to the gate. And they said to one another, ‘Why are we sitting here until we die?’ If we say, ‘Let us enter the city,’ the famine is in the city, and we shall die there. And if we sit here, we die also. So, now come, let us go over to the camp of the Syrians. If they spare our lives we shall live, and if they kill us we shall but die.” -2 Kings 7: 3-4 (ESV)⠀ ⠀

These lepers waited for a miracle to happen. But one day they realized that they had a choice: sit there and starve or go find something to eat. Last week I found myself in a similar situation and was asking myself the same questions. “Why am I still in the same position? Will I remain here until I die?” There’s a famine in my city, but the enemy’s city has food. Should I take a chance and enter their camp?⠀ ⠀

The lepers were wise enough to take a risk—a leap of faith.⠀ ⠀

Many times, we find ourselves in a situation like this. The season of life we have been in for a long time has come to an end. It has left us hungry and a bit malnourished. But…where there’s a “but” there’s hope. But God has another season in store for you. And for you to move on, you must do something different, maybe even uncomfortable. It requires taking a risk, stepping out in faith.⠀ ⠀

Taking a risk requires action as well. The lepers didn’t just talk about going to the Syrian camp, they went. And God did an amazing thing for them. He caused the Syrians to flee the camp. (2 Kings 7:5-6) Not only did the lepers find food, but silver and gold as well. They didn’t keep it to themselves, either. They made a way for the Israelites to survive the famine.⠀ ⠀

God opens doors for us but sometimes we are too afraid to walk through them into a new season of life. In faith, we must enter that door and possess what is there for us, experiencing the fullness of the new season. Ladies, faith moves mountains. Let it move you. Take the risk! Testify to the goodness of God later as you share the blessing.

About the Author

Mukanga Chola

Mukanga is twenty-five years old and lives in Zambia. She recently graduated from medical school and holds a deep love in her heart for Christ.In her free time, Mukanga enjoys reading books, writing, listening to music, hanging out with friends, cooking, eating, and watching television. She also likes very clean and organized environments.You can find her blog here, her Instagram here, and her Twitter here


Daily Delight


Daily Delight