Daily Delight
Two months ago I received some bad news regarding my health. My mind was in shock, but even more, my inner self was in turmoil. The thing is, as I was receiving the news, something deep inside me was whispering ‘It’s going to be okay.’ I knew I could trust this voice and the comfort it brought was bathed in peace. But hearing the nurse on the end of the phone tell me all the potential risks made me turn to panic and fear. Although I instinctively trusted God’s still, small voice, I allowed myself to entertain all of the ‘worst case scenario’ thoughts. I partnered with what I knew wasn’t the truth and it only left me an emotional wreck filled with fear, panic and anxiety.
The night before I met with the hospital to get more answers, I had a moment where I knew I had to engage my faith and stand upon God’s truth, despite the evidence otherwise. There’s something powerful about activating our trust in God before we have the breakthrough. That night I curled up into bed with my journal and prayed through all my thoughts and feelings, laying my burdens at His feet, declaring scriptures of His promises. I chose to partner with His truth, instead of the lies that had been poisoning me. I went to sleep that night with a peaceful heart, a still mind and the confident assurance that all will be okay.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 4:6-7, NIV)
The past two months have been a battle of faith to say the least. But this week God fulfilled His word and promises to me...I experienced physical healing and baffled doctors and specialists who cant’t believe it! To think I had caused myself all that inner turmoil when God gave me His truth right at the very beginning! Why is it that we are so quick to listen to the lies, but clinging to the good truth is so hard?
What has God spoken to you that you need to lay hold of and let go of the worrying thoughts, to experience His peace, no matter what the circumstance?
About the Author
Natalie Fuller
Natalie is a mother of three (with a fourth on the way!) from Sydney, Australia who is passionate about encouraging, empowering and equipping women to discover and fulfill their God-given purpose and destiny.
With a background in counseling and psychology, as well as church planting and pastoring alongside her husband of 14 years, Nat is a passionate writer, speaker and preacher who loves to use her real life struggles, experiences and vulnerabilities to inspire and strengthen women in areas such as identity and security, healing and wholeness, freedom and intimacy with Jesus.
Nat loves anything to do with food! Cooking, wining and dining, traveling, but mostly opening her home and hosting dinner parties, casual gatherings and hosting events both big and small.