Daily Delight

Have you ever attempted to minister to a junior high girl? How about a boy-crazed high schooler? Loved on a future-fearing college student setting up camp at a crossroad lately? If you answered yes to one or more of the above, God bless you! And if you’re reading this and can answer “yes” with a younger version of yours truly in mind, God bless you times two!Having been on the giving and receiving end of these types of discipleship relationships, I can confidently bear witness that none of the above are simple tasks and all of the above + more are worthy of affirmation and gratitude. Some of the most beautiful characteristics of the body of Christ to me are the love and intentionality that reach beyond generational barriers to unify hearts of believers regardless of age gap or life seasons. But it does not occur without selfless sacrifice and full surrender to the Lord’s work. There is a special work for us as women to contend for our sisters in the battle waged for our souls. It takes availability in a world that squelches us for time. It takes patience in a moment when frustration is high. It takes accountability to model a life honoring to the Lord. It takes persistence in prayer to see His will at work. Ultimately, it takes genuine, faithful and unconditional love that can only be given after having first received it from the author and perfector of love Himself. The heartbeat behind this post is a hope to spur us all in two ways.First, take a moment to recognize and express gratitude for those in your life God has gifted you in the furtherance of your faith. And secondly, recognize that there is a call for you to be for others that very God-given gift. Be women so focused on following the example of Jesus that the eyes of others encounter their Savior just from having known you!May we all live worthy and love well!

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith.” -Hebrews 13:7 (NIV)


About the Author

Bryanna Irvin

Bryanna is an infectiously extroverted 26-year-old born and raised Arkansas gal with a knack for conversation and heart chats. She is married to her college sweetheart, Blake, but falling more in love each day with her newest heartthrob: baby boy Emmett who is due this October. Her passion is for cultivating relationships new and old with hopes of sharing any inkling of the joy, peace and purpose she herself has found through her relationship with Jesus Christ. Though she’d gladly hop on the first flight to Haiti and never look back, God has so assuredly called her to use her gifts and passions to minister to young and college aged women through her position as a retail store manager.
When she isn’t working or maneuvering her social calendar, Bryanna can undoubtedly be found cuddled up in her Jonesboro home with her five, yes five, fur babies, a pepperoni pizza and “Friends” reruns on loop!

Daily Delight


Daily Delight