Daily Delight

What does your image of God look like? Does He look like my image of God? Chances are pretty slim, unless of course we’re both picturing The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo.

I often wonder how people around the world “see” God. Are there hints of their own culture and ethnicities mixed in their imagery? When He appears in dreams and visions, does He speak their native tongue?

Genesis clues us in to what God looks like: “And God said, ‘Let us make man in our image, in our likeness…. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:26-27, NIV) In these two verses, we know three times over, we were indeed created in the image of God. Does that mean when we see the people of this world, we see the image of God? Hmm. It’s still a mystery to me.

But God rarely dwells on the image of people, so I’d like to think He asks the same of me. Instead of focusing on His outward appearance, He asks me to go deeper. He wants me to know who He truly is in the way He knows each and every one of us: through our hearts.

This month I’m challenging myself to read the Old Testament to learn about God’s character, about His heart. I’ll also dive in the stories of Jesus, the Son who embodied all of God’s glory. And I’ll be taking notice of the love in the people of this world, those created in the image and likeness of our God. This love that pours out of His people was sourced from the Father himself, and He works through the goodness of the righteous.

There is no one true image of God that is known to us here on Earth, but I have faith that when we close our eyes and pray in our own tongues to the One who breathed life into us, He knows us, and we all see and feel the same God who is our faithful healer, mighty protector, gentle comforter, and righteous and sovereign Lord.

I love all those who love me, and those who seek me diligently find me.” -Proverbs 8:17 (ESV)


About the Author

Jennifer Tanaka

Jenn is currently enjoying navigating the path as a mom of three with her husband of fifteen years. Born and raised in Honolulu, HI, she still resides in her home state, discovering and sharing the beauty of her Heavenly Father through writing and photography.
In the last two years, Jenn has been following her calling to write for women who, like her, are yearning to draw closer to Jesus. Leaving her full-time position in education, she now enjoys spending more time with her family and serving the women in her local and online communities.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight