Daily Delight

 If asked to identify my kryptonite, hands down I would answer overthinking. A decision, a comment, a facial expression, an extra dot, dot, dot at the end of a text; you name it, I’ve overthought it. And as much as I have come to recognize this personal weakness, Satan has also learned this well. He is cunning and knows the importance of the mind in either aiding or assailing the spirit.What begins as one paranoid thought spirals out of control until I’ve worked myself into a debilitated state of false reality and fabricated lies. When I started recognizing this far too traveled route to depression, I felt undone by a sense of helplessness as I struggled to regain control of my thoughts. It became impossible to trace the web of twisted enemy lies to identify the original root of insecurity that spiraled me to such an overwhelming state.I will never forget the first true cry for help I uttered and the scripture I was met with in return. It was a scripture I’d heard more times than I could count but had never let take root and application.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." -Philippians 4:8 (NIV)

For the first time, I recognized a filtration system for my thoughts that God himself breathed into the pages of scripture. A wise mentor of mine spoke this passage over me and opened my eyes to the power I have in Jesus to take captive every thought and submit it to the Lord. This verse has since become a daily meditation of my mind to halt the unhealthy downward spiral and replace it with an honorable upward focus. I ask myself, “Is this thought true? Noble? Right?” and so on. I take back the battle for my mind by striving to take the advice of this scripture and think only on things that fit the criteria above.Overthinking may be my kryptonite, but thankfully God’s truth has become my strength! 

About the Author

Bryanna Irvin

Bryanna is an infectiously extroverted 26-year-old born and raised Arkansas gal with a knack for conversation and heart chats. She is married to her college sweetheart, Blake, but falling more in love each day with her newest heartthrob: baby boy Emmett who is due this October. Her passion is for cultivating relationships new and old with hopes of sharing any inkling of the joy, peace and purpose she herself has found through her relationship with Jesus Christ. Though she’d gladly hop on the first flight to Haiti and never look back, God has so assuredly called her to use her gifts and passions to minister to young and college aged women through her position as a retail store manager.
When she isn’t working or maneuvering her social calendar, Bryanna can undoubtedly be found cuddled up in her Jonesboro home with her five, yes five, fur babies, a pepperoni pizza and “Friends” reruns on loop!

Daily Delight


Daily Delight