Daily Delight

Please read John 5:1-9 as preparation for today’s devotional.Waiting on God involves a lot of patience and, if we’re honest, frustration. Take the man at the pool of Bethesda in John 5, for example.For more than 30 years, this man waited for someone to help him get to the water after the angel had stirred it. Despite his attempts, someone would go ahead of him every time. For THIRTY-EIGHT years, he waited for healing! Can you imagine how exasperated and angry he must have been at times?His frustration becomes evident when Jesus asks him if he wants to be healed. The man answers Jesus by saying, "I have no one to take me to the pool when the water is stirred." Instead of answering the question directly, the man allows his emotions to speak for him. Of course he wanted to be healed, but he was so frustrated with his circumstances surrounding his thirty-year wait for the healing and he wanted Jesus to know it.Frustration makes us lose focus on what God is doing or wants to do in our lives. We become short-sighted and we are no longer sober mined enough to hear what God is clearly saying.Frustration and anger can cloud our true needs and desires, even when Jesus is offering what we need right in front of us.When we lose focus and become lost in our frustrations, we lose sight of the goal.Sisters, beware of frustration in your waiting period. Even if it takes 30 years, choose to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Trust that He is doing something in you and for you. He has not forgotten you. He does not slack in His promises, He acts at the right time.Patience is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Pursue it! 

About the Author

Mukanga Chola

Mukanga is twenty-five years old and lives in Zambia. She recently graduated from medical school and holds a deep love in her heart for Christ.In her free time, Mukanga enjoys reading books, writing, listening to music, hanging out with friends, cooking, eating, and watching television. She also likes very clean and organized environments.You can find her blog here, her Instagram here, and her Twitter here


Daily Delight


Daily Delight