Daily Delight

I was diagnosed with asthma in elementary school- probably around age 7 or 8. I've always  struggled with lung issues and breathing, especially when I'm sick or overextending myself physically. (Do not ask me to run unless you want to see a large Jordan-shaped lump on the ground).
Since then, I've usually had a prescription for an inhaler-- a little plastic mechanism I use to inhale medicine that quickly helps control my breathing a little better. It helps me pause and focus solely on my breath in the midst of whatever I’m doing to cause strain to my lungs.
Psalm 23 the Message version says:
“God, my shepherd!
   I don’t need a thing.
You have bedded me down in lush meadows,
   you find me quiet pools to drink from.
True to your word,
  you let me catch my breath
   and send me in the right direction.
Jesus lets us catch our breath in the midst of whatever is causing us to strain or struggle.
As  I’ve gone through seasons of difficulty or hard times, I’ve learned that the only thing I can rely on for any kind of help or relief-- is Jesus. I’ve had to learn how to breathe through the hardest of hard things and the lowest of low moments-- and after trying many things to treat or cushion the struggle, I finally figured out that taking a minute to call on Jesus was the only way I was going to survive.
Like taking an inhaler to breathe easier, I call on the name of Jesus to find peace and help this world can’t give me. Focusing my thoughts on Jesus-- even if it’s just saying his name over and over-- causes something in me to shift. It doesn’t change my circumstances, but it changes my perspective and my ability to find hope in the midst of them. By stopping in the midst of my struggle and focusing on Him, my attitude and thoughts begin to change; I can relax, I can breathe, knowing that I have a God who intercedes for me-- if I just stop long enough to call on Him and cast my cares on Him.
I’m reminded of the worship song “Take a Moment” by Will Reagan:
“Take a moment to remember
Who God is and who I am
There You go lifting my load again”
Exodus 14:14 tells us that the Lord will fight for us if we be still.  When the going gets tough, quit fighting, quit trying to fix it. Be still. Let Him do the fixing. Remember who He is and who you are-- He is our father, we are his children that he adores and cares for. He will take our trouble and our hard and lift if off of our shoulders if we take the time to let Him. If we can stop to remember that in the midst of our hardships, we can get through anything.
When I stop and remember the God I follow loves and cares for me, I can stop and catch my breath. Whether that looks like praying, listening to worship music, Bible journaling, writing, whatever you do to seek out time with God-- focusing on Him in the midst of my struggle reminds me who He is and what He does for me. Jesus can carry us through any trouble, if we let Him.
Take a moment to be still and catch your breath today. Let’s focus on who He is no matter what we’re dealing with-- He is the lifter of our loads, and He lets us pause, focus, and catch our breath. Let Jesus be the one that helps you catch your breath today-- let Him be the help we need to inhale and exhale normally again.
{photo: @dreacoci}
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About the Author

Jordan Taylor
Jordan Taylor is a 22 year old student living in the suburbs of Nashville, her lifelong hometown. She is currently studying to be an English teacher, and hopes to have a classroom full of crazy, loud middle schoolers in her near future! Jordan enjoys reading, long walks (anywhere, not just the beach!), crafting, listening to music, playing with her pug, Lola, and writing. She is learning how to be brave, love adventure, and try new things (a lifetime work in progress!). Jordan loves Jesus with all that she is, and is learning to let Him love her too. She enjoys rambling and writing about her faith at her blog, http://taylorjm.blogspot.com/, and is excited to share her journey with you all on DOD!

Daily Delight


Daily Delight