Daily Delight

Growing up In my family, there were some foods that just went together: meatballs and cabbage, hamburgers and fried potatoes. (Midwestern girl here raised on Jesus and ground beef.) Goulash and jonny cake. To have goulash without jonny cake would leave your life without meaning and be just plain wrong. 
I was a young, inexperienced chef and decided to go for it. My mom hated to cook and I loved it. I often didn't ask about things but would rather, "find my way". Goulash was on the menu and jonny was needed. No problem-0 but there was one. Blue Boxed Jiffy, was nowhere to be found.  So, I went for "from scratch." The recipe called for baking powder. Any other time, we would have had 29 boxes on hand but not this day. I did the next best thing. I used baking soda in its place. They both have the title "BAKING" in them, it had to be an ok substitute. Right? 
Jonny wasn't his self. Jonny was horrible. An honest attempt but a big fat failure. 
Some things you can't substitute. At all. Even if they sound the same, look the same or seem the same. They're not. There is an undeniable preciseness to the content and quantity in certain things and nothing else will do. It's not just a measurement. It's an exact portion.
I love when the scriptures refer to God as our portion. He's enough. He's precise. He's our defender when it seems everyone else is against us, He's our righteous judge when the monster of injustice tramples you to the ground. He's our shelter when we're in desperate need of the wings of the Almighty. He's our healer when we face affliction, our provider, He gives us our daily bread. He's our anchor when storms whip up out of nowhere and try to steal our breath. Our intimate creator who knows us and wants us to know Him. Our perfect peace that casts out all fear. He is for us. It's HIS breath in our lungs. He is our strength in our weaknesses. He is love and light when it seems that hate and darkness have extinguished them. He is. He was. He always will be. He's enough. And He has more. Our portion. The one true, living God. There is no substitute, with Him, there are no short cuts. 
I'm older and more experienced now. I perfected my jonny cake. I don't eat as much ground beef and my God has proven to be enough. 
"I say: The Lord is my portion, therefore I will put my hope in Him." -Lamentations 3:24 
"Lord, You are my portion and my cup of blessing; You hold  my future." -Psalm 16:5 
{photo: @byhannahrose}

About the Author

Jill Parr
≫ ≫ Singer. Speaker. Writer. Coffee consumer. Wife. Mom. Mimi. Shoe lover. These are some of the things that make Jill Parr who she is. Although she is passionate about all of these, she might be most passionate about helping women walk into their true identity of who it is that God created them to be.
Parr toured the country as a CCM recording artist, playing festivals and churches for over a decade. Never giving up her dream to sing full time, God started moving her in a new direction in 2009. She started speaking to women and singing less, all while wrestling with the idea of this new season.
Parr’s husband, Brian Hardin, founded the Daily Audio Bible in 2006. Parr is the founder of, “More Gathering” that is sponsored by the Daily Audio Bible, annually. (www.moregathering.com)
Jill and Brian live outside of Nashville, Tennessee, with their 5 kids and first grandchild. They travel extensively throughout the year.
In addition to speaking and singing, Jill enjoys shoe shopping, the outdoors, cooking, fashion, music, painting art all while enjoying great coffee.

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Daily Delight


Daily Delight