Daily Delight

I've always loved a good story. I can remember my mom reading me storybooks every night as a child, and I would dream of living out an adventure like the characters on colorful pages. Even now, a full grown adult, I find myself wondering if my life was on pages if it's something I would want to read.
The truth is, as many things as I try to do and try to be to make my life "worth it", the Lord is the one who is the true author of my life. Proverbs 19:21 says, "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand" (ESV). I might act like I'm the one in control, but in reality, nothing is guaranteed. I can design my life all I want, but my story could turn a new chapter against my will in the blink of an eye. Only God knows what my future holds.
Through our own hard work, will power, and careful planning, we can definitely have a story that we one day tell our grandchildren that is good. But our story in God's hands? Now that is a story that is destined to be supernatural, legendary, and beautiful. God wants to give us a story that is so good we couldn't have written it ourselves. That is why He states in Isaiah, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts" (Isaiah 55:8-9, ESV).
 Sometimes, I feel like I absolutely know what's best for me and exactly how I want the next chapter of my life to go. I have the characters listed and the plot ready and every chapter following looks promising. When I think about it though, how often do my human, limited standards hold back the greatness of God in my life? What might my story look like if I let God be the only author? 
Something tells me that His plan will take me to a better adventure than mine ever will. 
{photo: @elissagram
About the Author
Shelby Lung≫ ≫ Shelby is a Midwestern wife working as a photographer by day and blogger by night. She is the writer behind the abundant lifestyle blog, Soulfully Shea, where she posts about faith, wellness, and creativity. She never says no to breakfast for dinner, loves talking to people about their God-dreams, and is addicted to watching HGTV with her woodworker husband. With her background in psychology and biblical studies, she passionately works to encourage women to live well in body, mind, and spirit. You can read her blog at www.soulfullyshea.com


Daily Delight


Daily Delight