Daily Delight

God is speaking all the time. 

His thoughts are lovely, they are constant, and they are deliberate. His voice always finds me -- usually exactly when I need it most.
Recently my husband decided to leave a wonderful job in order to build his own business. Although we are excited and expectant for blessing, it’s never an easy choice to step into the unknown. My mind and heart were consumed by our future finances now in question, as well as the usual holiday busy-ness. And amidst the quickly-passing days, two seemingly isolated incidents occurred... 
First, I was sent a new debit card from my bank. The first time I used it was to place an order, and as I flipped it over, I saw that the security code was my birth date. Not only my birth date, but a set of numbers that correlate with a life verse that has always reminded me that my future is secure. God speaks, all the time, sometimes in small ways we could easily dismiss. My future finances were secure. He had literally stamped my accounts with His promise. 
Second, I attended a holiday party thrown by a local jeweler during each guest was given a small box to be opened simultaneously, revealing one winner. The time came and to my surprise in my hands I held a beautiful, one-of-a-kind diamond ring. He never stops speaking: He has often used rings to remind me of His covenant. At a time in our life when we have so many needs and an uncertain future, He could have given me any gift…. But a ring? I could be offended if I wanted; it was such a luxurious yet unnecessary gift given our situation. But He was reminding us of the covenant we share with Him. He would keep His promise to provide. It gave us both hope. 
I could look past these things or feel silly for “over-spiritualizing” them. But instead, I choose child-likeness. I choose wonder. I believe that my God can do anything, and I believe He is speaking to me, reminding me always of His nearness in the midst of all things. 
About the Author

 Alaina Stratton≫≫Alaina is a writer based in Nashville, TN, where she lives with her husband, Blake. They met in 7th grade band and spend most of their time flirting over cups of well made coffee. Through writing Alaina shares personal stories of moments and movements of the heart; thoughts on identity, marriage, life with God, and more. Her greatest desire is to encourage others towards deeper intimacy with themselves and the Lord.

She also writes for her personal blog (www.alainastratton.com) and podcasts alongside her husband for White Flag Wealth: a journey into God’s promise of abundant life (available in iTunes or wherever you download podcasts


Daily Delight


Daily Delight