Daily Delight

The other day, I was on a train home from London when, suddenly, there was a loud bang and we pulled to a stop. Moments later, the conductor made us aware that one of the motors had caught fire. As I’m sure you can imagine, chaos erupted. One by one, passengers got up and marched to the conductor to complain and I even witnessed a very tearful phone call. They were mad because their day had been interrupted.

My immediate thought was: really? But after a quick self-evaluation I realized I could be just as caught up in the immediacy and busyness of life. I can race past people to make it Church on time even. I can pass up time reading God’s Word to squeeze in a busy routine. I am not always the biggest fan of interruptions.

But some of the greatest miracles Jesus performed happened when His plan was interrupted. On His way to heal a synagogue leader’s daughter, a woman touched His robe and Jesus stopped (Matthew 9:18-26). He didn’t have to. She was already healed from years of bleeding in just a single touch. But He stopped. And as a result that woman had the most incredible encounter with Jesus that not only healed her physically but also redeemed her from years of social exclusion. It even gets better still, Jesus moments later raised the leader’s daughter from the dead!

Let your day be interrupted. Lay down your schedule each morning before Him. Focus on bringing “out the God-colours in the world," (Matthew 5:14, MSG). Ask God to use you in your everyday even if it means that the planned events of your day get pushed back.
Besides, how can you share Jesus with the world if you don’t leave time to hear His voice?

It might make room for somebody to have a life-changing encounter with the King of Kings. That somebody might even be you. 

{photo: @elissagram}
About the Author

Naomi Grace Armstrong≫ ≫
 Naomi is a nineteen-year-old university student who spends more time in Church and with her friends than she actually does studying for her English and Journalism degree! She lives in the rainiest city in the UK (Manchester) - but that doesn't stop her from spending lots of time walking, listening to her immensely long Spotify 'Praise' playlist and coffee shop hopping. She has a passion for overseas mission and has been a worship leader for some time now.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight