Daily Delight
If you will, please refresh your memory with the part one of this two part devotional series on Job by clicking the link in the bio😄
If you can recall, there were two lessons I learned from the book of Job. First, God allows the testing so He may boast about us. Secondly, it's never just for us.
God uses every single thing for His glory. We may struggle to find the good, but I promise you that it is there. Job lost everything but he still praised God; he refused to walk away from Him. And now, how often do you reflect back to his story and draw encouragement or strength from it? I know that I do every time I'm going through something hard.
Job's storm not only strengthened his faith and his trust in God, but it helps those who read or hear about it today!
Even Job's friends were taught by it. As the story draws to an end, the Lord tells the friends, "...you have not spoken of Me what is right, as my servant Job has," Job 42:8 (ESV). They were even required to take animal sacrifices to Job and have him pray for them, so that they would be forgiven.
Job's suffering equaled their lesson.
I know storms are not fun. I know that while we are in the middle of it, we're doubting, struggling, looking for someone to blame. But what I pray in getting across to you is this: the thing about the suffering of God's faithful children is that the end He desires to bring about is never just for those involved, but for those who hear and see.
You're being used for His Kingdom my sweet friends. He knows how the story is going to end, He knows exactly how you will need what you're learning down the road. He knows exactly who else needs to hear it, to see it.
One thing I've always managed to take away from Job no matter what was this: clinging to Him, He blesses.
I know it's hard right now, that you can't see the light, that you don't understand why. But He will bless your faithfulness. The blessing may be that He's used us to help someone else, and I can only marvel that He chooses to use me.
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Photo: @fromevelynsheart
Janine Carattini
Janine is a twenty-something, grace chasing, heart writing, Kingdom worker.
Her passion is to encourage others to relentlessly pursue after Jesus and to live lives filled with strength, dignity, and grace.
Born and raised in sunny Southern California, her goal is to love people unconditionally. When they ask her why, her answer is simply, "because Jesus asked me to".
Her desire is that by the way she lives her life, by what she writes, people will see Jesus.
You can find and follow her journey on relentlesspursuit.net