Daily Delight

If you’re like me you often get caught up in the “what ifs” and “what’s next?”

We have so many plans of our own. Hopes and dreams for the future. Things that we think should come next. There is nothing wrong with having dreams and working toward them. However, keeping an open mind to the Lord’s plan is key. He has handwritten a blueprint for each of us. He knew what the plan would be before we even existed. If you think your life doesn’t have divine purpose, you are sadly mistaken. 
But sometimes things don’t go as we “think” they should. I was shopping with my best friend not too long ago as my husband was going through job loss and interview processes. One job seemed so perfect to us and we felt like the door was being opened. We prayed and longed for this job with a pay increase and health insurance that we so desperately needed. In the midst of this waiting process I found myself not enjoying life. Waiting to see if we got this job or not, needing to move or not, hoping and wishing and feeling like we weren’t doing this or that because we were “waiting”. I came across a sign that hit me. “Until God opens the next door praise Him in the hallway”. 
How true is this statement? We can’t stop our lives waiting for the next thing to happen. Yes, we are going to have storms in life, but that does not make our Father any less faithful than He has always been and will always be. He is the one with the map to our lives. We don’t just praise Him in the joyful times, we praise Him in the storms. The testimony of our lives is seen and can lead others to Him, which is our true calling. 
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”-James 1:2-4 (NIV) 
I encourage you to enjoy life at all times. Don’t keep knocking on a specific door that’s not opening. Praise Him in the hallway and watch for the next door God opens. 

About the Author

Emily Buckallew
≫ ≫ Emily is a small town girl who grew up in rural Northeast Missouri. She's a wife to her husband of seven years and mother to a sweet little girl who is almost three. She is a professional portrait photographer in Northeast Missouri -- Infinite Joy Photography. She loves to spend time with her family, write and read when she has time. She is actively involved in her church and bible study group and loves her coffee!

Emily lives with her heart on her sleeve and finds the greatest joy in giving to others. She finds the most inspiration looking through the camera lens and seeing the beauty God has created. She hopes that others will find encouragement through the words the Lord leads her to write.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight