Daily Delight

I've walked in condemnation most of my life. Guilt was my constant companion. I never did anything right for Jesus...that's what I thought all the time. My quiet times weren't long or often enough, my witness to neighbors and cashiers was seriously lacking and my attempts at giving to the offering at church were weak at best. My Christian walk was a constant balancing act and I was losing every other day. 
I was living like an orphan, when I had already become a daughter. Last year while I was on staff with YWAM that all changed. Freedom came and banished that nasty companion, guilt, in a big way. I learned what it meant to walk with Jesus and not strive for Jesus. To walk from the freedom I already had in Him. 
The long list of dos and don'ts was thrown out. In its place came a list of truths and promises; things God had already said about me and given to me. I am righteous. I am redeemed. I am a child of God. I am beautiful. I am wanted. I began to actually believe in grace and allow myself to walk in it. I began to see God as the loving Father He is and not as a disappointed one. A Father cheering me on in this crazy, beautiful race. 
And now when those pesky voices come, I know what to say to them. I am a daughter of the most high King and there's nothing I can do to lessen or increase His love for me. Tasks have turned to joys. I give to the offering gladly, I talk with Jesus constantly no matter what I'm doing and I don't put pressure on myself to save the whole neighbourhood and beyond. This is the Holy Spirit's job. And He'll help me. 
I now understand the difference. Condemnation instills guilt and shame and is never from God. Conviction comes from Love and calls you higher. It's still a daily battle, but I'm armed now. Are you? 
"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death." -Romans 8:1-2 (ESV)
About the Author
Lauren Klassen≫ ≫ Lauren loves Jesus and was brought up in a Christian home. Her passions are worship, writing and encouraging women. She has been working with YWAM off and on for a few years and feels called to Europe long term. She is obsessed with mountains and a good chai tea latte.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight