Daily Delight
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Tonight I walked in the quiet darkness that fell heavy after a long day. The news of the past several weeks has been oppressive to hear and watch with so much tragedy assaulting our collective hearts. I simply had to escape the blare of televised news and noise to fully get alone with Hope. My walk out into the post-sunset farmyard provided a welcomed space to pray and to listen.
Why does it seem to be that we can hear and sense the presence of God best in the quiet, solitary places? My default response to crisis is to seek God in solitude and silence. I turn off the radio, put down my phone, and reduce the ‘static’ of everyday distractions to more fully focus on the ‘still small voice’. In his book, Solitude: A Neglected Path To God, Christopher Moore says, “Solitude presents the opportunity to reclaim for ourselves – if only for a period of time – the healing gift of prayerful silence.
There is indeed healing that God brings to our broken hearts as we focus less on the chaos and instead rest on His ultimate goodness and deep love. The other realization that brings a deep sense of peace, in the midst of the crazy we may be experiencing, is to know that He alone is sovereign, not to be fully understood but to be trusted. He invites us to “Be still, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10 ESV).
I walked along the gravel path behind the barn, praying a silent prayer, confident that “…the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words.” (Romans 8:26b ESV). And in that time of quiet wrestling and ultimate surrender to God, a true peace settled my sad heart. My slow lap of the barnyard was soon completed with an understanding that my obedience ‘to be still and to draw near to God’ was the place of healing and a renewing of Hope. Seek God, especially when you experience the mystery of suffering, in solitude and silence. Be intentional in setting aside the ‘static of distraction’ to be still and rest in Him. He will meet with you there.
Photo: @briannabroyles
Bonnie Arends
Bonnie is a woman who finds her identity and mission in Jesus. She is passionate that others will come to know the Living Hope that she lives in and from each day. Bonnie's life verse is, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect" (1 Peter 3:15).
Bonnie lives 'in the middle of a cornfield' with her farmer husband and son. She enjoys the space and quiet of rural living and is especially thankful for the beautiful sunsets she experiences over the farm's vast pastures.