Daily Delight

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What is your biggest fear? No, really - what is the most terrifying thing to you? Mine is loneliness. Not a fear of being alone or by myself for periods of time but of actual deep in the gut, heart wrenching loneliness, the knowing that I have no one to turn to or left for me. I am terrified of that feeling. When it surfaces, I do just about everything I can to force it back inside. So, again, what is your biggest fear?
Here’s the thing: our fears are a part of our identity more often than not. They have an effect on how we go about our day, how we engage with others and how we show up in the world. They’re there; hiding from them doesn’t make them go away.
We’re told as kids, even instruct our own kids, to ‘face your fears’….. How’s that working for you?
What if we flipped the script and left it up to a little more power than just an about face into the direction of our fear; what if we taught ourselves to embrace our fears? If truly the only way out is through, why don’t we spend time in a warm embrace with our fears to understand, mold and deal with the why or uncovering of the fears themselves, no longer allow it to manifest into something greater than us? To me, to embrace and to face have very different meanings. To face means looking in the eye, coming face-to-face; to embrace is to welcome, an actionable quest, to dive in head first sometimes even with a hug.
The more I study the Word, the more I realize there is  a ‘playbook’, if you will, right in front of us. For example, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).
Noted, Lord. Now, let’s be bold and embrace what sets us back; regardless of what we think most days, if we show up bold and courageous, embracing the hard parts, God will have our back.
Photo: @dreacoci

Katelyn Pfeffer
Katelyn is on a quest to live aligned and faith-filled. A lover of all things trending, leadership, ‘lol’ stories, strong coffee and good conversation, she is a wellness warrior on a mission to connect with others on their journey to living their best lives. Katelyn believes in the power of people and prayer and dreams of building community through and with Christ.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight