Daily Delight

All you need to remember is that God will never let you down; he’ll never let you be pushed past your limit; he’ll always be there to help you come through it.” -1 Corinthians 10:13 (MSG)

Lord Jesus,
Thank you that in every trial and every temptation, You are there. Thank you that whilst you let us endure difficult times, You will never leave us or let us down; You go before us and stand besides us.

I thank you that You work everything for our good. You allow us to undergo these trials so that You can mould us into the mighty women that You have called us to be. Lord, please help us to be like Job. May we remain faithful despite what comes our way.

And God I thank you that when we are defeated by temptation, our humanness at fault, You forgive us because of Your abounding grace and Your unrelenting love. May we remember that incredible sacrifice that You made for us on that cross and revel in the freedom that it has brought us.

Lord, please help us to face these difficult times with You. May we not attempt to save ourselves but rely wholly on Your strength, wisdom and power. Because with You, and You alone, all things are possible. So we lay our cares and our worries at Your feet. We ask You to take control.

Through our trials, may we bring You praise, and through the resisting of temptation may we bring You glory.

We love You, Lord,


{photo: @missy_e}

About the Author

Naomi Grace Armstrong≫ ≫
 Naomi is a nineteen-year-old university student who spends more time in Church and with her friends than she actually does studying for her English and Journalism degree! She lives in the rainiest city in the UK (Manchester) - but that doesn't stop her from spending lots of time walking, listening to her immensely long Spotify 'Praise' playlist and coffee shop hopping. She has a passion for overseas mission and has been a worship leader for some time now.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight