Daily Delight

Today is one of those days we can forget the greater things, the kind where flimsy paper decor and cards can elicit feelings we might not want to admit to. Here’s the thing about Valentine’s Day we don’t hear nearly enough: It’s not shameful that you desire love. It’s not silly, weak, non-Christian or sinful to desire romance, a husband, or even deep, love-filled friendships. 

Love is our DNA. Abundant life with God means love freely given and freely received. We began in love and in case we would forget it, we were redeemed by love, too. 
Consider the moment the Lord knelt down in the dirt to fashion Adam, how tenderly and joyfully He must have done it. He didn’t do it from a distance. He got as close as possible, lifted dust from the earth, raised it to His lips and breathed life into that which was lifeless. The first thing man saw was the face of God, peering into his own. The first thing man knew was the locked in, adoring gaze of Love himself. 
Consider Jesus at the cross, who saw the joy before Him and agreed to the plan. You are that Joy! How great the Love and the Devotion that He knew everything about us (all of our feelings, loneliness, desires) and still said “Yes, I’ll do it.” By that great act, we get to live in connection with the Father. We live in “more than you can imagine.” He gave all so that we could have all, be ALL-LOVED, be Joy forever. There’s no king like Jesus, no more devoted a Father than God. Wrapped up in this holy narrative of Love, we are bound to it. We are covered by Love. 
Today: don’t belittle your yearning for love. It’s not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign that you’re a child of God. If you want it, just ask: Lord, I want an experience of your love, would you show me?
Love is not timid; Love is bold. It goes to the Cross, it gets down in the dirt. It’s not afraid, it’s not weak. It’s who you are. 

See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” (1 John 3:1 NIV)  
About the Author

 Alaina Stratton≫≫Alaina is a writer based in Nashville, TN, where she lives with her husband, Blake. They met in 7th grade band and spend most of their time flirting over cups of well made coffee. Through writing Alaina shares personal stories of moments and movements of the heart; thoughts on identity, marriage, life with God, and more. Her greatest desire is to encourage others towards deeper intimacy with themselves and the Lord.

She also writes for her personal blog (www.alainastratton.com) and podcasts alongside her husband for White Flag Wealth: a journey into God’s promise of abundant life (available in iTunes or wherever you download podcasts


Daily Delight


Daily Delight