Daily Delight

I remember feeling so broken. I thought he was the one I was going to marry. I told him everything. I gave him every piece of my heart that I could never get back. I shared with him the deepest corners of my soul. I searched and searched for a way to forget it, to let go, to move on. But I couldn’t. A piece of me that was meant for God and my future husband was gone. 

Despite what I had been taught, I sought for value and for love in all of the wrong places. You see I did not grow up with a very invested father. In fact, I grew up with a very invested grandfather who would pass away shortly after my sixteenth birthday. And it left me broken, hurt, and jaded. 
When I had my first real boyfriend I dove in way too fast, way too soon. I was not used to the attention, the love, and the affection. I told him everything about me. I knew deep down I shouldn’t be giving away so much of my precious heart, but I did anyway, to fill a void and to get the attention I so desperately wanted. 
A few months later, I broke it off with him and soon after that I met the man who would become my husband. The things I told that previous boyfriend are things I would tell my husband, but they do not hold the same weight they should, as he was not the first to reap those benefits. 
Ladies, guard your heart. Do not give your precious soul away to a guy who has not taken you into a covenant marriage. If you are single, I urge you to pray for your future husband. I beg you to remain pure, not only physically, but also spiritually and emotionally. Serve God in this season of singleness. Sisters, if you are dating, please be wise. Be careful. Do not give a boyfriend what is meant for a husband. If you have already crossed that line, it is not too late. Christ is ready for you to run back to Him and repent. He will make all things new. He is the ultimate love and as soon as we can truly believe that, we will not be searching for attention in all of the wrong places. 
{pictured: @kaitvanhoff ; photographer: @blakehogge}
About the Author

Jessica Calhoun≫ ≫ A lover of all things coffee, extremely introverted, and very tall, Jessica is an old soul with her home in Birmingham, Alabama. As a newlywed, she is experiencing the unrelenting pursuit of Christ shown through the love of her husband. Through her passion of writing, she hopes to share the love of Christ with those who encounter the words He gives her. When she isn’t helping brides find their dream wedding gown or having coffee dates with her best friends, you can find her curled up on the couch with her fur baby, watching Gilmore Girls, and eating Frosted Flakes. 

If you want to follow along her journey of pursuing her passion, check out her blog: graceandmagnolias.wordpress.com.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight