Daily Delight

Don’t you get tired being you? I do. Tired of being a sinner. God, can’t we be done, and just go to heaven and be happy? Why do I have to hang on day after day, when I’d rather just be with You? No more fighting myself just to get out of bed to read my Bible, or to pull on a hoodie to exercise. No more fighting myself not to eat things I shouldn’t; or to get something accomplished instead of laying around reading books. No more fighting myself over getting selfishly annoyed with my kids, or being preoccupied with my agenda when I should be telling the gal in the checkout line about Jesus.

I’m so tired of it. But isn’t it then, still, about me? The day I trusted Christ to save me, I was bought. You see, I was a slave – to sin. “I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions: …return unto me; for I have redeemed thee,” (Isaiah 44:22, KJV). I now belong to God, and what I do with this life is His decision. My life is not my own, it’s about Him. I am one of the threads, the links, that makes His plan work.

Am I doing my role? Am I looking for those Divine Appointments that are actually the entire reason that I am here, showing His love and gospel? It’s like the movie, It’s a Wonderful Life, where you can see how radically different the world would be without the main character. How different would this world be if God took you out of it? The saddest thing would be if there was no difference at all.

This life is about Him.
He is God: stronger, bigger, better. In all His glorious majesty, He is the One who can overcome any obstacle. When you’ve grown tired, you’ve ceased relying on His strength to power you through.

When you get tired, you’ve lost sight of who He is. Put your mind back on Him and remember what brings you joy. He is my Father, when I didn’t have a father. He purchased me when I was unwanted. He loved me when I was unlovely. He makes every morning worth waking up for, because He is amazing. Let Him restore your joy, your zeal, your soul.

About the Author

Liz Rigby≫ ≫
 Liz clutches at whatever writing time she can get when she's not cleaning, laundering, cooking, homeschooling, and otherwise taking care of the love of her life and their three boys. To offset the busy stress of life, Liz loves nothing better than either writing, painting, creating music, or spending time with friends. Having graduated from Bible college and passed through the baby-making phase, Liz is eager for the next step and ministry that God has for her, and is excited to have a part in the Daughter of Delight team, where she hopes her words will point others to His exquisite glory.

For more of Liz's writing visit her blog plungedeep-climbsteep.com, or find her on Instagram @plungedeepclimbsteep.


Behold Him


Daily Delight