Daily Delight

(Read James 1:2-25)
"Instead of complaining of our struggles, we should see them as opportunities for growth."

In James 1:2-4, James doesn't say if we face trials, but whenever we face them. When we face trials, God's purpose is for us to profit from them. The point James is trying to make is not for us to pretend to be happy during our trials, but to have a positive outlook because of what trials can produce in our lives.

God tests His people by allowing Satan to tempt them.

We can’t just listen to God's word, but do what it says!

James tells us to turn our hardships into times of learning. Tough times teach us perseverance. We don't even know the depth of our character until we react under pressure- it is easy to be sweet-spirited and kind when things are going well. Instead of complaining of our struggles, let’s try to see them as what they really are: opportunities for growth. And thank God for being with us through the tough times, as we know He will never leave us or forsake us. Embrace what He is trying to teach us in the process.

God's tests of us allows our dependence on Him to deepen. We can resist the devil's temptations by turning to God for strength and obeying His word.

As important as it is to listen to what God's word says, it is much more important to do what it says! We can measure the effectiveness of our Bible study time by our behavior and attitude. If we miss our study time, we can rest assured it will impact our actions and behavior.

My prayer for you today:

Dear Heavenly Father, May we use this new year to our advantage, growing closer to you than ever before! Whether we walked closely with you over the last year, or not nearly close enough- may we express our love and need for you. No matter the hardships we face or have faced, we know you are there! We know you love us, and we know you are growing us to be what you have called us to be. I pray your will for each person reading this. And may you get all the glory the new year brings! 


About the Author

Ashley Thrift≫ ≫ Ashley is a happy homemaker; a proud wife of her handsome and hard-working high-school sweetheart, and a very blessed mom of three amazing, crazy and energetic kiddos. In the good ole' southern upstate of SC, where Ashley is from, you will find her devoting herself to Jesus first, being a wife and mama second, and striving to be an overall woman of proverbs 31. When she is not running frantically off of coffee (chasing toddlers or carpooling; rushing to the the dance studio or ball fields), she is settled intimately in her Bible listening for the whispers of God. She also enjoys small group Bible studies with her mama friends, writing to serve God through her church writing team (NewSpring.cc) and her blog <www.p31shelaughs.com>, and still dating her husband even after seventeen years. She wears strength and dignity with laughter in her heart as she trusts God's faithfulness which has already assured her works all things to his glory (Proverbs 31:25). She knows that her story is being written by the one Almighty, and by His glory she tries to embrace what He is teaching her through each chapter- living on grace.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight