Daily Delight

When cold weather arrives, I cover myself head to toe with warm weather gear. 

Lately, I’ve lost count of the number of times people have said to me “You sure are bundled up,” and then they proceed to walk past, usually looking miserable because they are also freezing. I always think to myself, "If only they would put on more layers, they wouldn’t be so cold.
Truth is, this was me in my spiritual walk before I found Christ. I would see others reading their Bible, participating in studies, witnessing to the lost, but I didn’t want to do the same. Yes, I had struggles of my own, but I thought I was fine handling it alone. 
It reminds me of the story of Jacob in Genesis. Given names such as heel-grabber, deceiver, and manipulator, he too tried to save himself. Jacob soon realized how broken he was. His life was a mess, he was all alone and he knew he couldn’t do life his way anymore. 
After wrestling with God, Jacob tells the Lord “I will not let you go unless you bless me” (Genesis 32:26, NIV) and God replies, “Your name will no longer be called Jacob...from now on you will be called Israel” (Genesis 32:28, NIV). 
Jacob's new name represented his struggle being overcome; his victory came because of his surrender! 
Sweet friends, if you have not already, God wants nothing more for you to receive His blessing and surrender. He has already offered it to you, you only need to ask. No matter how others may perceive you, we don’t have to live life in the cold. God can provide us with all the warmth we will ever need!
About the Author

Randa Young

Randa is 26 years old and grew up in the small town of Corbin, KY. She currently resides in Bowling Green, KY with her husband of 4 years. She works as an Office Admissions Associate at her alma mater, Western Kentucky University. In her free time, you can find her at a concert or country music festival. She also enjoys traveling with her family and has a love for fashion.

Amazed at how God has continuously pursued her throughout her life, she has been drawn to learn more about Christ and share her story with others. Since her recent struggle with infertility, she believes by submitting to God’s control and trusting in His plan, our hearts can find peace. Randa’s desire is to help people find comfort and encouragement through her writing while becoming passionate about the love of Jesus.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight