Daily Delight

Through much of life, we find ourselves in a continuous state of seeking. We seek a job, a relationship, a home, an education. To add another layer, who else finds themselves seeking an answer to: “Who am I"?
A good friend turned this act of seeking upside down for me. She simply stated, "What if we stopped searching and looked to what we already have? As God stated, 'I am who I am', why can’t we live that way, too?" (Exodus 3:14).
The path of discovery and seeking whatever fills in your blank(s) is a necessary journey to take, but I don't know that we can stay there forever. I’m learning that God has many plans and phases of life for us to live, and I think the keyword there is ‘live’. Of course it’s important to seek our values and truths; what is most important, though, is to trust that God has already equipped us, somewhere deep inside, with what we need.  
God challenged Moses in Exodus 3 to introduce Him as “I am”. What if we, too, were introduced as ‘I am’? Nothing more, nothing less. This act or thought is not so we can be equated to God, but as a reminder that we are enough, we are valuable, we are purposeful, we are children of Christ, we are everything we need to be…. We may just have to uncover some of it from within.
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Katelyn Pfeffer

Katelyn is on a quest to live aligned and faith-filled. A lover of all things trending, leadership, ‘lol’ stories, strong coffee and good conversation, she is a wellness warrior on a mission to connect with others on their journey to living their best lives. Katelyn believes in the power of people and prayer and dreams of building community through and with Christ.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight