Daily Delight
“So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other; so that you do not do what you want” (Gal. 5:16-17, NIV).
The world is so determined to justify sex outside of marriage. I teach abstinence in the local public schools, and this fact is driven home so clearly by the questions I’m asked. Like a seventh grader wanting to know if she can get pregnant from oral sex. It breaks my heart that she even knows what that is.
This world says we deserve to have anything we want—including sex. But what they never mention is: there are consequences—not just pregnancy and STDs—spiritual and emotional consequences. Our amazing Father created our brains in such a way that we release a chemical during sex that causes us to bond with our partner. This strengthens our marriage relationship. What an incredible gift! If we have multiple sexual partners before marriage our ability to bond will be impaired.
But we are so broken. We crave affection wherever we can get it: the internet, unhealthy relationships. The problem is that when you are intimate with someone, you often lose perspective. You can’t see that it’s unhealthy. And if it’s feeding your need for affection, it’s so hard to let it go. Believe me, I know.
My beloved sister, “…you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body” (1 Cor. 6:20, NIV).
If I make my relationship with Christ the most important relationship in my life, giving him my whole heart, it is so much easier to live by the Spirit. “…Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,…” (Phil. 3:13, NIV). We can’t let regrets stop us. His sacrifice wipes away all our tears with forgiveness.
It is only when I let my focus leave Jesus that my sinful nature takes over. It’s a daily battle. But I will put on the full armor of God and face it.
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Photo: @nhinton14
Stephanie Cardel
Stephanie Cardel is a wife of thirty years, mother of three grown children, leader of Bible studies, and writer of a blog about Jesus in the Old Testament. She also writes YA and MG fiction and volunteers in her local public schools teaching abstinence.
If you need her, you can dig your way through the overflowing piles of books to her room, where she’ll be curled up with a cup of mocha coffee doing one of three things: studying her Bible, reading fiction, or writing. You can also visit her websites:
www.withopenedeyes.com, www.checkoutthesebooks.com, or follow her on twitter @StephanieCardel or @fixingmyeyes.