Daily Delight

On this day some one thousand plus years ago, Jesus not only faced death but He conquered it, too. The grave simply could not hold Him! The resurrection of our wonderful, glorious Savior proved that there is life beyond death. A life each of us were made to crave. 
Yet, how often do I find my heartstrings all tangled up in the ways of this world? Well, if I’m being honest, more often than I would like to admit. I often wonder why it is so easy for me to replace the true Source of my joy with the false joys of this world. It’s frustrating, and the imbalance it causes within me is by no means a good feeling. I cannot tell you have many times I have found myself in hand with the realization that I have lost sight yet again. 
This world doesn’t deserve the place in my heart that the cause of Christ holds. The enemy knows he is not welcome in this sacred space of my heart, but he doesn’t care. He still pokes and prods his way around its perimeter, trying to find his way in. This spiritual warfare is a heavy weight that gets quite old, quite fast. 
The very cause of Christ is the very reason I fight and will continue to fight. Satan knows he has already been defeated. And when he is brash enough to show up at my doorstep, you can bet I remind him of it. 
Jesus fought for me when He took His last breath on the cross. And I will fight for Him until we meet face to face. When I take a step back and soak in the fact that my Savior, who knew the depth of my sin and rebellion against Him, died so that I might be free, I find myself swept up in His love all over again. 
When they came to arrest Him, when they beat him near to death, when He could have called down a mighty army of angels to come and take Him down from the cross—in the greatest act of Love in the history of the universe—he stayed. What we celebrate today is the wonderful news that He didn’t stay in the grave! 
On this day some one thousand plus years ago, Love did not just come down. Love also WON. Love came down and rescued us from the shackles of sin, pain, grief and death. This very Love rolls away the tombs that entomb us in life. This Love is our foundation. This Love, our Savior and risen King gives us life! And we will always have Him to hold onto. He is the very essence of our Hope. 
The tomb is empty. Love has triumphed. He is risen! Hallelujah! 
{photo: @elle_cardel}
About the Author

Emily Lauren Cardel≫ ≫Emily is a 23 year old newlywed who is fiercely passionate about chasing the call of her Creator. She lives in Murfreesboro, TN with her husband Michael and their fur pup Tucker. Emily founded Daughter of Delight in 2011 and is filled with great joy to see God's plans for this ministry continue to unfold within His greater Kingdom story. In her free time, 
Emily enjoys spending quality time with her husband, snuggles on the couch with her pup, running, managing her blog, reading, and writing.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight