Daily Delight

Have you ever dreamed of running through the fields with your father, totally forgetting about the cares of the world? Can you picture yourself being that little girl who knows without a shadow of doubt that her father loves her and cares about her dearly? Honestly, there have been times I longed for moments like those. It wasn’t until my mom passed away that I realized how much I desired those moments. I then realized that I didn’t really know my father and he didn’t know me. I can only imagine how different things would be if we would have developed that father-daughter relationship. And you can guess that my father and I have had those awkward moments in trying to converse with one another and not knowing what to say. And oftentimes the “I love you” sounded forced rather than heartfelt.

I am reminded of the words that David penned in one of the Psalms: “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close” (Psalm 27:10, NLT). God has brought so much comfort into my life. One thing for sure, He has proven His love for me and it is undeniable. He sent His beloved Son to die on the cross for my sins. His love for me is unconditional and unfailing. Who wouldn’t want to experience love like this? It’s the type of love that heals you from all wounds and sets your heart and mind free from the things that were holding you captive. I’ve learned to let go and trust God as the Father He is, the One who is always present, and Who heals and delivers.

As daughters of the Most High, let us remember that we have a good Father.
He can fill any void and heal any hurt. “He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds” (Psalm 147:3, NLT). We have to trust Him with our brokenness and allow Him to fill those empty spaces in our heart. The very things we long for from an earthly father that we possibly didn't get, He can give. We just have to trust Him! 

{pictured: @kaitvanhoff ; photographer: @madirogers}

About the Author

Shameka Nicole≫ ≫Shameka Nicole was born and raised in Mississippi. She currently resides in Georgia with her son and sister. As a published author, she has hopes of reaching so many hurting women through her testimony. She loves writing and enjoys sharing God's truth with others.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight