Daily Delight

God could've brought you into this world 200 years ago or 200 years from now. But He didn't. There is a reason you are alive today. Where you are in history is where He wants you to be.
The story of Esther always comforts me. God does not utter one word in the whole book, but His fingerprints are unmistakable. Your story is not unlike Esther's. A daughter brought into a palace and made Queen. You've been given authority and a seat in heavenly places. God's fingerprints mark your life. He has created you for such a time as this. 

The God who raised up Esther, has also raised up you. He has saved you and knows you and given you specific gifts to bring glory to His name. 
Do not despair if you feel as though your life is but a shadow of what it could be. For God has never and will never despair over your life. He is waiting, as a Father does, to pick you up, dust you off and walk with you again. To walk with you into that throne room against all odds and do what you were made to do. 
We don't all have an earthly King to come before or an entire people to save, but we do have a mission, like her. Our mission is to say yes, to trust and to do what God asks us to do using His strength; following His voice. 
What He asks you to do may be scary, and it will usually involve risk; big or small. But He promises to be with you. Esther entered the throne room alone, and I'm sure part of her felt unsure and scared, but she had Mordecai and a small army of prayer warriors and the Almighty God carrying her.
It could be bringing cookies and an encouraging note to a new neighbour or speaking in front of people what God has placed on your heart. It could be raising a family, moving overseas, starting a business or standing up for a friend.
Your heavenly Father set your feet on this earth, for this time. Look around and see with the eyes of the One who once walked the same earth, day by day carrying out His Father's will. This world needs what He's given you to carry. 

Stand. Breathe. Search. Ask. Step. 
Take delight in what He's placed before you, and who knows, one day your story may be written in a book and used to encourage generations. 
{photo: @missy_e}

About the Author
Lauren Klassen≫ ≫ Lauren loves Jesus and was brought up in a Christian home. Her passions are worship, writing and encouraging women. She has been working with YWAM off and on for a few years and feels called to Europe long term. She is obsessed with mountains and a good chai tea latte.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight