Daily Delight

"Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8, NIV) 
Throughout my years at university, I thought that the only way one could truly serve God in my field was if they were a human rights lawyer or if they did pro bono work with a Christian NGO. Many of my Christian peers held similar views with serving in full-time ministry being the ‘ultimate career goal’. However, while I don’t doubt the likes of Jackie Pullinger and the divine appointment upon their lives, I’ve realized that this mindset can obscure what ‘being called by God’ really means. Very often, many of us spend our lives in jobs and in places dissatisfied with God and with ourselves. We end up making promises like, ‘Lord, I’ll be able to really serve you when I do that or when I go there’ and we fail to see that we’re being poor stewards of what we have already been given. We lull in stasis waiting for some ‘calling’ upon our lives when in fact, the only call made in the Bible is to respond to Jesus. 
God wants you to respond to that call now. He wants to work in and through you as you are, wherever you are. He wants you to serve Him not in your next role but with the entirety of your life as it is today. So prayerfully ask yourself: how are you living out the fruits of His Spirit in your current relationships at home and at work? What gifts has He specially given you and how are you using them in your everyday? What desires has He placed on your heart and how are they shaping your life today? And as you reflect, know that we don’t have to figure it all out because we can place our trust in a loving Father whose plans and ways are higher than ours; whose mercies are new each morning. 
In the words of Eugene Peterson, "somewhere in the midst of this prayerfulness you will make your decision (without any guarantee that it is absolutely right). And then God gives the grace to live out what is decided.

{photo: @jaydaiye}

About the Author
Rebecca Wong≫ ≫ Raised in a non-Christian family in Singapore, Rebecca encountered the boundless love and saving grace of Jesus Christ at university in London. While it has not always been easy to remain faithful, God has been unwavering and relentless in His pursuit of her. 
An aspiring lawyer-in-training, Rebecca believes in the power of words, especially those fueled by the Word of God. When she's not reading and writing for work, she enjoys being outdoors, from scuba-diving around Southeast Asia to taking long walks around reservoirs while contemplating the Psalms with her boyfriend. 
Over the next few months, Rebecca hopes to grow in sensitivity to the Lord's Spirit so as to serve the Daughter of Delight community through ways in which He intends. 

Daily Delight


Daily Delight