Daily Delight

This time last year I found myself in a dark place with self-image. All was well in the beginning.  I was exercising in healthy amounts and cleaning up my diet. Then one day, I started over-exercising and restricting my food. I would even get angry with myself if I missed a workout or ate carbs. 
“Health” became obsessive and I placed my worth in a number on a scale instead of in God. I got to the point where my body wasn't functioning the way it should. 
"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." -Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)
The Bible tells us to guard our hearts and hold them in the highest respect; to keep our thoughts captive; to hold them in our heart. 
Fill your heart with God’s love and His truths about you, let them be the thing that determines the course of your life. 

I spent years filling myself with lies and doing terrible things to my body along the way. I let negative thoughts, body shaming, and obsessive eating determine the course of my life because that’s what I let grow in my heart. 
Beautiful one, there is so much more to life than your outward appearance. Embrace who God has made you to be and learn to embrace the parts that you find hard to love. He has destined you for things beyond your wildest dreams, He holds you high, He adores you! 
He sees you as a masterpiece—a precious being—sculpted fearfully and wonderfully. Do not give the enemy a foothold over your mindset about yourself. Instead, I encourage you to approach the throne and let the Father set you free from destructive thoughts. 
You are more. You are worthy. You are enough. 

Beauty is a choice. Every single day, it is a choice; to push past your negative mindset towards yourself and fill your heart and soul with the things the Lord says about you. 
It’s not an easy journey, but I promise you once you find your peace, you won’t want to go back.
About the Author

Bethany Calverley
Bethany is a 21-year-old lover of Jesus, the ocean, overalls, and acai bowls from the Central Coast, NSW, Australia. She is a quirky little soul and a sucker for all things creative.
Bethany is passionate about writing, photography, and art. She loves to share stories of how God has brought her through some really heavy heart moments, as well as stood by her through her triumphs. 
Bethany's greatest hope is for all women to see themselves the way Jesus sees them and to empower others to walk our their God-given destiny!

Daily Delight


Daily Delight