Daily Delight

A sailboat on a calm, windless ocean. Within the boat sits a man and a woman. He, at the front, is fiddling with something in his hands while she sits in the middle wondering how long they’ll drift. Meanwhile, she’s enjoying the sunshine and the dolphins playing nearby while she waits.

The scene shifts. Water splashes at her feet, and she realizes the boat has sprung a leak. Frantic, she looks to the man. Why is he still fiddling? Doesn’t he recognize the emergency? The adrenaline rushes. Her survival instincts scream at her, “You can’t just sit there in a sinking boat. Do something. Stop the leak. Jump. Swim. Do. Something.

Ahead, she hears the teacher’s calm authoritative voice instructing her over the chaos, “Stay in the boat and watch. I’m teaching him how to sail.” She argued, “But there’s no wind and the boat is sinking!” The teacher handed her a cup, “If you need something to do with your hands, dip water out of the boat. Watch Me.
It was a dream. The boat is our life together. Learning to sail – my husband learning to navigate the new normal of life with Parkinson’s – starting his career all over. The water – overwhelming circumstances threatening to sink us. The cup - my too small paycheck. The Teacher – Jesus.

In this Advent season, I’m studying Joseph, his character in a difficult, heart-shattering shift of events in his personal life. Common sense had to be wrestling with his heart. How could Mary be pregnant?

In the midst of the turmoil, Joseph deciding he’s going to have to do the hard thing, God sent a calm authoritative voice to instruct him in the chaos. In a dream, he heard, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:20-21, NIV)

God’s direction made clear, Joseph chose to obey. The Teacher’s instructions to me are clear. I will obey. 
{photo: @emilyrcrisp
About the Author
Lisa Brittain


Lisa Brittain and her husband, Randy, will soon be married 30 years. Together they are parents of two adult sons, and share their home with three adopted pups. By day Lisa works as a receptionist in the local middle school. However, her mission is to reveal the important voice of each woman and teach her how to share her overcoming God 
It is Lisa’s true passion for Jesus and introducing women to Him, which flows in and through and around all the open moments of her everyday life. 
Connect with Lisa on her blog here

Daily Delight


Daily Delight