Daily Delight

My husband and I recently got a puppy. For anyone who has done this, I am sure the painful memories of training are flooding back now. We love Molly so much, but getting up three times in the middle of the night to take her outside is hard. However, the Lord is reminding me of something through this, and I want to lean deeper into it during this season.

As I sleepily get whining Molly at 3:00 a.m., I'm thinking about nothing except my bed. But then I go outside and the freezing December air slaps me awake. I let Molly do her thing, and I stand there in the quiet of the night. The world around me is still. All I hear is the soft breeze and the rustle of leaves. A million stars greet me overhead. And this is what my Father reminds me: While everything is asleep, He is not. He is still holding the universe and keeping the world on its axis. And He sees me. 
My Father sees me at 3 a.m. when I'm shaking outside in the cold, just as much as He sees me at 5 p.m. when I'm busy with to-do lists. In these still, dark moments, God is teaching me yet again how sovereign and loving He is. And if I didn't have to start going outside in the middle of the night, I perhaps wouldn't be experiencing this sweet reminder. 
Psalm 121:3-4 says, "He will not let your foot be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep" (ESV). God will never grow weary, sisters. 
"Have you not known? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary." -Isaiah 40:28 (ESV). 
How amazing our God is! No matter how busy or how "3:00 a.m. slow" life is, the King reigns on His throne. Praise God that He is not on our schedule, only available when we are and resting when we sleep. He is always with us, always seeing us, always in control, always available—even in the dead of the night. Even in our mundane situations, let's keep our hearts open to beautiful reminders God can show us. 
{photo: @ardorphoto}

About the Author
Krista Leicy


Krista is a 22 year old newlywed who loves Jesus, coffee, and her puppies. She loves relaxing with her husband, spending time with her family, and going on coffee dates with her closest friends. She has a passion for writing and hopes to someday write and publish women's devotional and books!

Daily Delight


Daily Delight