Daily Delight

Fall has officially arrived on the plains.  The morning air is crisp now…fully waking up even the sleepiest person with the first open of the door.  I always try to make it a point to travel to our local state park to gaze at the beauty of the changing leaves each October or November.  This year I was not able to find my way clear to the park until just this week.  The small side trip did not disappoint.  The leaves were gold and jewel red again this year.  
There is something that inspires me about the beauty of the changing leaves.  It seems when they are fading the most in the cooler weather, it is then that their beauty…their time to shine…captures my imagination and my heart. I am able to spontaneously break into a prayer of thanksgiving and praise.  But what about the times when the branches are bare and the leaves have been tossed by the wind into dull and crispy piles? Are there still reasons break into spontaneous praise in the times when it seems all around me is bleak and dying?
The Bible provides a larger perspective:  “’for All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass.  The grass withers, and the flower falls, but the word of the Lord remains forever. And this word is the good news that was preached to you.’”  (1 Peter 1:24-25 ESV)  Just like the grass that Mark was referencing, the fall leaves are glorious for only a short time, and then they are cast away.  Even each of us knows that we are similar to the grass or the leaves.  We have times of flourishing and then times of fading and death.  Thankfully, we read that God’s Word will always endure.  It is ‘living and active’ and provides us with wisdom and perspective as we navigate all aspects of life.
God’s Word provides us with perspective in the late fall and winter of our lives…when the leaves drop and the flowers and grass fade.  It may seem like all is lost but when we abide in His word, we find contentment.  He is forever faithful to provide what is needed in each moment.  

Daily Delight


Daily Delight