Daily Delight

My heart has been heavy with so much tragedy lately. Left and right I keep hearing about the passing of loved ones, fatal car crashes, cancer and everything gut wrenching. Although none of these things have been happening to me personally, they are happening directly to the ones I love. It’s almost like I’m waiting for the next brick to fall on me since it hasn’t already. I can’t help but be reminded how short and fragile life really is. 

We get caught up in the petty little things. Such as getting angry with people over small things and focusing on things that don’t really matter. I’m reminded that in James 4:14 (ESV), “Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes." So, dear sisters, what are you doing with your life? Are you tangled up in petty things? Do you need to forgive another? Do you need forgiven? Don’t hold onto hurt and hate. It will only make your heart heavy. Enjoy every moment as if it’s your last. Love others like there’s no tomorrow. Enjoy God’s beautiful creation that He’s provided. Enjoy the loved ones you were given. Forgive, laugh, be a giver and an encourager to others. 
Life is way too short to live without purpose. Life is too short for worry. We can worry about tomorrow or the days to come but please be reminded of this: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own" (Matthew 6:34, )NIV). We can worry about when the next tragedy will hit and if it will happen to us or another one close to us, or we can live fully each day we are given, because each new day is a gift from God.

Every breath is a gift. Use it for God’s glory and live this beautiful life to the fullest. 

About the Author

Emily Buckallew
≫ ≫ Emily is a small town girl who grew up in rural Northeast Missouri. She's a wife to her husband of seven years and mother to a sweet little girl who is almost three. She is a professional portrait photographer in Northeast Missouri -- Infinite Joy Photography. She loves to spend time with her family, write and read when she has time. She is actively involved in her church and bible study group and loves her coffee!

Emily lives with her heart on her sleeve and finds the greatest joy in giving to others. She finds the most inspiration looking through the camera lens and seeing the beauty God has created. She hopes that others will find encouragement through the words the Lord leads her to write.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight