Daily Delight

I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons and daughters to Me, says the Lord Almighty.” 
-2 Corinthians 6:18 (HCSB)
Is there anything more sacred than the bond between a father and daughter? It is simply indescribable.
No one can love a daughter exactly like her father can.
No one can protect, cherish, or value a daughter exactly like her father will.
And no one can ever do those things for you exactly like your Heavenly Father.
Who but your Father can be with you when you feel most alone? Who but your Father can carry you when you’re hurt and pick you up when you fall? Who but your Father can not only see your worth but give you worth?

Only God, your Creator, your Friend, and your Father can take you from death to life, from pain to peace, and from fear to faith.

Whether Father’s Day is a day of joy and celebration or pain and sadness for you, you can find comfort and peace in knowing that no matter where you are or where you’ll go, your Father goes with you.
He walks before you to prepare the way (John 14:6). He follows behind you to push you forward and pursue you passionately (Psalm 23:6). And He walks with you into the places of pain and despair to comfort and carry you (Psalm 23:4). Don’t be defined by the opinions of your peers, be defined by the Love and faithfulness of the God Who whispers, “I’m here, My daughter. I see you. I know you. Just leave it in your Father’s hands.” 
About the Author

Bethany Boynton
≫ ≫ Bethany is a twenty-three-year-old blogger, newlywed, and book addict living in central Kentucky. There are few things she loves more than having a strong cup of coffee with a good book or a group of girlfriends. Bethany strongly believes in the importance of vulnerability, authenticity, and sharing one's story of God's Love and Grace. To connect with her and learn more be sure to check out the Choosing Jesus Blog at BethanyBoynton.com.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight