Daily Delight

This week has been one of stress, unexpected changes of plans, and heartache-- both in the world and in my own life. When these times come, I distance myself from God. It's just natural for me when the going gets tough to run. I couldn’t pray or do my Bible study. I was too tired and frustrated at the end of the day to even look at my Bible. 
One of the only ways I find myself able to be carried through times like this is to listen to music-- the words of hymns and worship songs say what I don’t have the strength to say. This week, I’ve been listening to the newest Hillsong album, Wonder, and one particular song has been able to articulate what I needed to say and what I needed to hear. The song “Shadow Step” captured my attention with these lyrics: 
Move me like You do the mountains
Move me like You do the wind
And I'll chase Your voice through the dark
Fix my eyes on the unexpected"
Of all the weeks to hear the words “fix my eyes on the unexpected," instead of running and hiding from the problems life throws at me, God is calling me to run straight toward Him. I need to fix my eyes on Him and whatever He has in store for me. 

No matter our circumstances, our life situations, or our failures, God is still on the throne. And He’s still GOOD. Even when our lives don’t reflect that. 
Earlier this week I shared one of my favorite verses with my students, John 13:7: "Jesus replied, 'You don't understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.'" In a world of constant change, struggle, and uncertainty, I can cling to this truth of Jesus; that, even though I don’t understand the 'why' of right now, someday I will.
When nothing in my world makes sense, Christ and His love for me is the only sensical thing I have to hold on to. He is our steady anchor in a raging world. When I lean on Him and His understanding, I can praise Him even in the darkness. 
I can walk into the unexpected the world throws my way when I fix my eyes on Him. With Christ on my side, I am ready for whatever unexpected comes my way. And because of that, I can praise Him for who He is, not for what my circumstances are. I can expect the unexpected and trust that He is creating the path for me to take my next steps on. 
About the Author

Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is a 22 year old student living in the suburbs of Nashville, her lifelong hometown. She is currently studying to be an English teacher, and hopes to have a classroom full of crazy, loud middle schoolers in her near future! Jordan enjoys reading, long walks (anywhere, not just the beach!), crafting, listening to music, playing with her pug, Lola, and writing. She is learning how to be brave, love adventure, and try new things (a lifetime work in progress!). Jordan loves Jesus with all that she is, and is learning to let Him love her too. She enjoys rambling and writing about her faith at her blog, http://taylorjm.blogspot.com/, and is excited to share her journey with you all on DOD!


Daily Delight


Daily Delight