Daily Delight

I decided to sleep in just a little bit longer the other day. When I finally rolled out of bed, I had 45 minutes until I needed to walk out of the door. Slowly, I moved around and got myself together. When I looked at the clock, it was 7:30 AM. I needed to be walking out of the door. Rushing, I picked up my purse, grabbed my coat and headed out. When I made it to the garage, I remembered that I had forgotten to grab something. I was already running late, so I had the choice of going back in the house or just leaving without the bag of items. I chose to leave. 

Once in the car, I quickly caught an attitude and my whole mood changed for the worse. I allowed my choice to sleep in late set the tone for my day. The drive into work was filled with negative thoughts. Those negative thoughts led to more negative thoughts and eventually I found myself angry. I was angry at the world for no real reason. 
In the parking ramp, I could hear the Holy Spirit say, “You cannot be angry with others for a choice you made.” At that moment, I began to repent. I had to “check” myself. 
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ." -Corinthians 10:4-5 (KJV)
What I failed to do was get down on my knees to pray and command my morning. I allowed the enemy enough space to creep in and wreak havoc on my emotions. 
Have you allowed your choices to set the tone of your day? Or have you allowed a situation to ruin your whole mood for the day? Instead of taking a few minutes to calm down, say a prayer and be proactive, we become reactive. We become angry and unleash all of our negativity on others.

This is when it becomes time for a hear check.

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." -Philippians 4:8 (NLT) 
The next time something does not turn out the way you want it to, instead of getting angry and having an unpleasant attitude, think of the things that are right and true. Stay positive.

About the Author

Janteya Ford≫ ≫ Janteya Ford is a mother, daughter, sister, and friend. She resides in Minneapolis, MN, where you can find her creating memories with her loved ones, dining at a fancy restaurant, sipping espresso at a cozy coffee shop, or checking out art at one of her favorite museums. She is currently pursuing her passions as an entrepreneur through various ventures. Her extreme passion for writing and sharing God's amazing love brought her to Daughter of Delight. She prays that she can be a blessing to all who read.

Blog: Teya Talks www.teyatalks.com

Daily Delight


Daily Delight