Daily Delight

The holidays can be especially difficult for those who are reminded of loved ones passed. Instead of being merry, for many, it can be a time dulled by sadness and depression. For me, it is a time that can be emotionally challenging, as I often battle with memories of my grandmother who passed during the holidays.

While alive, my grandmother would often refer to herself as my "Nathan." She related to the prophet spoken of in 2 Samuel 12 who delivered a message of reproof to King David on behalf of God. She saw herself as the person to tell me if I was doing something wrong or if my behavior was out of line, according to God’s word. She always found a way to speak difficult truths to me in love. For this, I remain thankful.

And, I am even more grateful that God still uses "Nathans" to speak to us.

When King David sinned with Bathsheba, God used Nathan to help the king see where he had strayed from His law. Nathan could have chosen to play it safe and withhold God's message from David, or he could have chosen in fear not to face the king with the grave message. Instead, he chose to confront the king and spoke the truth that David needed to hear in a loving way. David received the message with an open heart and responded in penitence.

The "Nathans" in our lives have a choice, just as Nathan in the Bible did. Many of them choose to speak to us in love because they love us, and even more so, because they love God.

As you move closer to the holidays, keep your heart open to the "Nathans" that God sends to you with a stern or saving message. God may use a family member, as He used my grandmother, or He may use a stranger. Whomever He uses, when you receive the message, instead of fighting against the messenger, choose to gracefully accept what is shared with an open spirit and utter, like David, "I have sinned against the Lord," (2 Samuel 12:13, NIV). 

Seek the God who can change your heart, forgive your action, and restore His image within you.
{graphic: @elle_cardel}

About the Author

Dentrecia Blanchette

Dentrecia is a creative nurturer from the island of St. Kitts who is learning, growing and evolving with Christ, grace and a smile. She is the Founder of Sugar For Your Heart (@sugarforyourheart) – a ministry that’s focused on creating quiet and safe spaces where individuals can explore and better understand and appreciate emotional and spiritual wellness.

Dentrecia is also a counselling psychology graduate student at California Southern University. She is committed to dispelling the myths and stigma associated with seeking mental health treatment, particularly in the Caribbean and Christian community.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight