Daily Delight

And it is He who will supply all your needs from His riches in glory, because of what Christ Jesus has done for us.” -Philippians 4:19 (NIV)
How I thank You Jehovah Jireh, our Provider, that You provide so willingly, lavishly and abundantly for each of our needs. You provided Jesus Christ, as The Savior of the world. You reached down and scooped us up in salvation. You provided forgiveness for all our sins, and have given us the security of eternal life. You provided us with a new beginning and purpose. You provided us with the Father’s unfailing love and limitless mercy, grace and compassion, without which we could not survive. You provide comfort and healing for our broken lives. You restore our souls. You provide faith for our faithlessness. You provide us with Peace, because only You, are The Prince of Peace. You provide us with Your guidance, leading us along paths of righteousness for Your Name’s sake. You protect and defend us, from our strong enemy. You daily bear our burdens and load us with benefits. You provide help in time of need, and deliverance from all our fears. You provide us with wisdom, counsel, and strength for each day’s need. You provide us fresh insight into Your Word, and answers to our prayers. You provide rest for our souls and restorative sleep for our bodies. You have provided us with the joys of life and the exquisite pleasures of Your own eternal presence. You have provided us with Your vast, boundless, unfailing love. You provide us with contentment, and the perseverance to continue on. You are preparing a home in heaven for our coming and when everything is ready, You will even come and get us (John 14:2-3). These are but the outer fringes of Your works; how faint the whisper we hear of Your power, Your Person! (Job 26:14 NIV). 
We thank and praise You, our Jehovah Jireh, for all that You so richly provide for us each day. Thank You, that we can lean the full weight of our trust upon You, The Lord Who is Faithful to Provide.
{Photo: @mariadanielledoka}

About the Author

Ann Marie Michael≫ ≫Ann is a woman with a passion for the Word of God and prayer. She writes openly and authentically from her own life's story of rejection, pain and divorce, and the ways God used these very things to draw her into a deeper and more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Ann continually points others to the Person of Jesus Christ, and to the Bible for their comfort, strength, guidance & healing. Ann also loves doing life with her three daughters, their husbands, her seven grandchildren and taking her German Shepherd dog, Loyal Heart, on daily hikes.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight