Daily Delight

As a kid, I remember typing out (on our dinosaur computer, no less) definitions of words out of the dictionary. I have always been fascinated with words and the art of using them to create so many beautiful things that inspire, encourage, and have the ability to bring healing to others.
As we enter this holiday season, the definition of Immanuel continues to run through my mind. I have been struggling to wrap my mind around the fact that this will be the first holiday season my younger brother won’t be with us. The hurt is real, and the pain is deep. Many of you may be experiencing “firsts” without a loved one this season. You may be experiencing a break-up, a divorce, hard life events, or just struggling to find out where our Father is amid the hurt and pain.
“All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet: ‘Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel’ (which means, God with us).” (Matthew 1:22-23, ESV)
Dear friend, God is with you. In the middle of the hard things you’re suffering through, He is near. During this holiday season, He is holding me closely as I continue to grieve the loss of my brother. He loves me deeply and wants to comfort me in my brokenness. He wants the same for you. You were not made to believe that you had to suffer through these pains alone. Christ’s birth fulfilled the promise of God providing our Immanuel.
As we begin to celebrate in thankfulness and the birth of our Savior, choose to remember that promise. Christ is before us and behind us. Even as we grieve our losses and recognize our pains, He is here even still. He is alive and making a way for us to share our struggles and hurts with each other to bring healing in this season. Be challenged to stand in the gap for someone you know whose holiday season may be a tough one this year. Remind them of the hope we have in our Savior and the love that our Father continuously gives to us through the promise of Immanuel.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight