Daily Delight

Sweet friends, I can’t tell you how much I wish you and I were sitting across from one another, a hot cup of tea or coffee warming our hands, and some great conversations warming our soul. Especially because my heart is bursting at the seams to share these words with you.

I’ve been struggling with the future lately. Worrying about what I am going to be doing, where I am going, who I’ll disappoint. Anybody relate? While I’ve been worrying, I’ve been reading the verses that I know we all know so well, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope”. And it’s true! God has a plan that is good for us and not for evil- never for evil. So why am I so afraid of the future? There really shouldn’t be a reason! Especially when we keep reading: “Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you. You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord…” (Jeremiah 29:11 ESV). That’s when I had to come face to face with this question: Am I seeking Him with my whole heart? Because He’s promised that when we do, we will find Him. And when we find Him, this is what we find: He is pursuing us with His goodness and unfailing love- so we have no need to fear the future! 
I don’t know what you’re going through, I don’t know what you’re searching for, but as I step away from this weekly devotional platform, this is my prayer for you, “At the heart of whatever they are looking for Lord, I pray that they find You are pursuing after their heart”. Because He is, my sweet, sweet friend. Now, I’m not crazy about goodbyes, so instead I’m going to say this, Thank You! Thank you for (hopefully) letting me encourage you these past few weeks and share my heart with you. I am forever grateful that I get to pray for this community. Pursue Him relentlessly sweet gems, and find Him pursuing you.

Photo: @bekahkay 

About the Author

Janine Carattini

Janine is a twenty-something, grace chasing, heart writing, Kingdom worker. Her passion is to encourage others to relentlessly pursue after Jesus and to live lives filled with strength, dignity, and grace. 

Born and raised in sunny Southern California, her goal is to love people unconditionally. When they ask her why, her answer is simply, "because Jesus asked me to".

Her desire is that by the way she lives her life, by what she writes, people will see Jesus. 

You can find and follow her journey on relentlesspursuit.net


Daily Delight


Daily Delight