Daily Delight

I’ve been struggling with hormonal acne for 7 years. One day, I was fussing at the Lord because I couldn’t understand why I haven’t been healed yet. It wasn’t fair. I told God I’m tired of my face being marred. I heard that word, ‘marred’ and it sort of hung in the air and I thought of Isaiah 53 when the prophet is describing a revelation of Jesus as He is crucified.
“He has no stately form or majesty that we should look upon Him. No appearance that we should be attracted to Him. He was despised and forsaken. A man of sorrows.”
Later he continues,
“But he was pierced through for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him. And by His scourging we are healed.” (Is. 53 NASB)
I realized that what I was struggling with was already paid for. My scars pale in comparison to His and suddenly the burden of my struggle felt lighter as I felt the weight of His sacrifice. It wasn’t just a general payment for everything labeled sin. It wasn’t just a story that I had to believe to get a one-way ticket to Heaven. It was as if Jesus touched my scars and in compassion showed me His and reminded me that what He did on the cross was a payment for my freedom from every single thing that isn’t in His kingdom.
So am I healed yet? No.
But I found some comfort as I continued to read Isaiah.
The very next chapter starts off,
“Shout for joy O barren woman! Break forth into joyful shouting and cry aloud. For the sons of the desolate one will be more numerous than the sons of the married woman.”
Here, Isaiah is prophesying to a people who haven’t seen the fulfillment of what they have been crying out for to shout for joy because their reward is promised.
That’s where I found my hope.
Jesus’ finished work on the cross promises me complete salvation and complete freedom: mind, body, soul, and spirit. Just because I haven’t seen the fulfillment of it yet doesn’t mean that it’s not for me.God made sure Isaiah 54 followed the prophecy of Jesus’ crucifixion for this specific reason, so that those who are struggling to see the fulfillment of their promises can be reminded once again that what you are dealing with has already been paid for on the cross and your victory WILL come.
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About the Author

Sam Jones

≫ ≫ Sam is a woman with passion for first-love devotion to the Lord who uses creativity to express that devotion and draw others into the same manner of worship. She is fascinated with the God who desires relationship and union and writes openly about this grace. Sam lives in Alabama with her husband and is obsessed with her huge family, finding the perfect latte, and exploring new places.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight