Daily Delight

Lately I've been picturing my heart as a throne room. It's ornate and grand with chandeliers and floor to ceiling windows that let in the most brilliant light. But as I look to the throne, I realize, that God isn't sitting there. I've replaced Him. In His place is the boy I'm crushing on, how many followers I have on Instagram, the worry about my future, my reputation and the guest list goes on. All these imposters are fighting for the throne of my heart. 
This needs to change.
I often hear it sung or said, 'God, you satisfy me.' Is that true for me? Does my joy and contentment come from Him or does it depend on my circumstances?  Does He fully satisfy me? And if He doesn't, how do I get to that place? How does He sit back on the throne? 

Recognize the people and the things you've placed above Him. Repent. Replace and reach for Jesus. 
Fill your mind with truth. For only truth can set you free from this world and its distortions.
Women of God, we are in a battle. Every single day. God needs to be at the helm. 
There is a quote by A.W. Tozer from his book, The Pursuit of God. He writes from Gods perspective, speaking to Abraham, after almost sacrificing Isaac: 'I only wanted to remove him from the temple of your heart that I might reign unchallenged there.'
Abraham had placed Isaac on the throne of his heart. For Isaac was the fulfillment of all of God's promises to him. But God, in His all-knowing love and mercy, removed Isaac, so that He would be the only King of his heart. 
Abide. Give God a chance to satisfy you completely. He is waiting to sweep you off of your feet. He is taken by you. One glance. One word. That's all it took. As you seek Him, day by day, night by night, He will work His way back to His rightful place. You will see clearer, trust deeper, live louder and your joy will not be so easily taken.
For you stand on a rock.
For His love is better.
And then in your throne room where there used to be an all out brawl, there is now a loving King seated, reigning unchallenged.

Oh taste and see, for He is good. 
"Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.
-Psalm 90:14 (ESV)
{Photo: @jaydaiye}
About the Author
Lauren Klassen≫ ≫ Lauren loves Jesus and was brought up in a Christian home. Her passions are worship, writing and encouraging women. She has been working with YWAM off and on for a few years and feels called to Europe long term. She is obsessed with mountains and a good chai tea latte.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight