Daily Delight

When I first moved back to Fresno, I had a position at a skilled nursing facility that was 53 miles from my home. At the time I was so desperate to get back, I was willing to take any position. Over time, the commute, along with many other things, started to wear me down. I decided on my own that my time there was up, and I started looking for another job. This job was so hard; God possibly couldn't have meant for things to be this difficult.

Instead of waiting on the Lord, I found and obtained a new position closer to home. I rejoiced. I would be free from my very difficult job and a long commute. The next day while I was drafting my two weeks notice letter, a friend had a warning from the Lord: If I left my current position, my new one would be twice as difficult, and it would end badly. This was all confirmed when I got the job offer letter which said that all my benefits were cut in half and the pay was much lower! It was hard, but I turned down the position, knowing that it was not from God.

Waiting is difficult, especially when you are dealing with trials. It is easy to try to take the reigns and rush through the trial. But, James 1:2-4 states: "Count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing" (NIV). 

God used this trial to equip me for the current job I have now, which I love. Prior to this position, I had no medical experience, as I worked in psych facilities for several years. Without this position, I would not have been a viable candidate for my current position. That job gave me a skill set that I lacked and made me a better recreation therapist. God could see all of this even when I could not. I'm glad I waited.

Be patient and trust God during trials. He's building you, us, for something better, even when we can't see it.

About the Author

Alexis Newlin

Alexis is a 34-year-old lover of Jesus, loose leaf tea, rollercoasters, and adventures. Originally from Marietta GA, Alexis now resides in Fresno, CA where she works as a recreation therapist at Valley Children's. Alexis enjoys teaching and encouraging kids that they can do and be anything they want, despite their disability.

When not at work, you can find Alexis outdoors enjoying a walk in her neighborhood, scoping out the newest food truck, hanging out with friends or planning her next trip. Her church, The Revival Center, and family mean the world to her. They have supported her through the loss of her mother and a cancer diagnosis. 
Through her trials and triumphs, God has pushed her to share her faith and encourage others through her writing. Writing is something she is passionate about and it is a joy for her to share her walk with God and encourage others.

Daily Delight


Daily Delight