Daily Delight

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If you’ve ever watched the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies, you probably remember the compass Captain Jack Sparrow carries with him at all times. To most people, it seems to be useless because it doesn’t point north, but to Jack it’s invaluable because it leads him in the direction of whatever he truly wants. 
Sometimes I treat God like that compass. When faced with a tumultuous season, I pray for clear direction, but what I really want is for God to lead me out of that storm. I want to escape the discomfort and the uncertainty. I don’t pray to understand His will in the midst of the hard time, I pray for an easy button to take me out of it.
Lately, God has put the image of a kite on my heart. Kites are fragile. The wind blows them in frenzied patterns, sometimes pulling them high, sometimes forcing them down. Despite this, they never drift too far away as long as they are tethered to the ground. I’ve started to understand that God is the steady tether to my kite. The wind is ferocious, the weather is confusing, but He holds me securely. 
In Psalm 63:8, David says, “My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.” Isaiah said, “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you” (Isaiah 26:3). Both of these men understood that their security did not come from the outside. They prayed out the reminder that no matter the circumstances, their eyes were fixed on the One who held them securely through it all. 
I pray that we understand that God is not separate from us in times of pain. He doesn’t observe from afar, waiting for us to pray to be rescued. He is there through it all. He holds us securely to the ground. No amount of wind could ever rip us out of His hand. May we put our hope in His unshakeable ability to never let us go.


Daily Delight


Daily Delight