Daily Delight
“We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time” (Romans 8:22, NIV).
I’ve had three children. So, I know the pains of childbirth. And the “groaning” is from your very depths as you wonder if you can bear it any longer. My sister snuck in popsicles. A little bit of joy in the midst of the pain.
Paul says in Romans that creation groans like that because of the fallen state that we’re in as we long to see it end. When I see evil, like the recent Las Vegas massacre, my soul groans like this.
It just feels like one bad thing after another sometimes. It’s hard not to despair.
Even more so with my hormones out of whack as I begin menopause. It can be overwhelming.
But we are not called to find joy in this world. Any joy we have in our brief time on earth is a popsicle—it’s a bonus. It’s pure grace. The only way I can keep from despairing is to remember that. My salvation, my sweet Savior’s sacrifice for me and the forgiveness I receive as a result, the Holy Spirit’s work in my heart that causes me to love others, these are the things that bring me true joy and hope.
“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, ‘The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him’” (Lamentations 3:22-24, NIV).
We are not consumed. We can get through it.
And what am I waiting for? I wait for the day when He will return and bring about the new heavens and new earth. There won’t be any tears or mourning there. There won’t be any accidents or heart attacks or dementia or nutjobs with an agenda.
For now, my joy is in His mercy and grace.
His mercy is that I don’t get what I do deserve: death. His grace is evident by all the amazing gifts I receive that I don’t deserve: the popsicles.
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Mmmm. Grape, please. Thank you, Jesus.
Photo: @dreacoci
Stephanie Cardel
Stephanie Cardel is a wife of thirty years, mother of three grown children, leader of Bible studies, and writer of a blog about Jesus in the Old Testament. She also writes YA and MG fiction and volunteers in her local public schools teaching abstinence.
If you need her, you can dig your way through the overflowing piles of books to her room, where she’ll be curled up with a cup of mocha coffee doing one of three things: studying her Bible, reading fiction, or writing. You can also visit her websites:
www.withopenedeyes.com, www.checkoutthesebooks.com, or follow her on twitter @StephanieCardel or @fixingmyeyes.